Materials Capabilities

Enabling digital transformation

Establishing a high-quality ‘gold source’ of enterprise-wide materials data is the foundation of digital transformation.

Enabling digital transformation

Boosting simulation accuracy

Improve simulation accuracy with access to an unrivalled catalog of materials property data.

Boosting simulation accuracy

Smarter materials choices

Enable your materials experts to make trade-offs to save cost, weight and improve product quality.

Smarter materials choices

Fully integrated

Connect your materials data to leading CAD, CAE and PLM solutions, guaranteeing accuracy and consistency.

Fully integrated

Faster to market

Design Engineers can reduce design iterations by making better materials decisions early in the conceptual phase.

Faster to market

Repeatable additive manufacturing

Future-proof your AM processes by capturing critical property-process relationships.

Repeatable additive manufacturing

Ensure regulatory compliance

From executives concerned with corporate liability to engineers making practical materials choices, manufacturing enterprises face restricted substances challenges at every level.

Identify and report on possible restricted substances in your product with the Ansys Granta MI Restricted Substances Module.

Ensure regulatory compliance

Visibility across the product value chain

Ensure consistency and control by managing materials information from a single, central gold-source, with data that’s always traceable to its source.

Visibility across the product value chain

Materials Products

Ansys Granta MI Enterprise

Leading Materials Data Management

  • ‘Gold source’ for materials information
  • CAD, CAE and PLM integration
  • Access 250,000+ Advanced Materials Data
  • Assess Restricted Substances Risk
  • Supports Additive Manufacturing
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Ansys Granta MI Pro

Fast-start Materials Data Management

  • User-friendly Materials Database
  • Compare materials properties
  • Integration with leading CAD and CAE products
  • 2,600+ Materials Datasets pre-loaded
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Smarter Materials Choices

  • Intelligent materials selection
  • Comprehensive Advanced Materials Data
  • Find similar materials
  • Export simulation-ready data
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Materials Data

Unrivalled Materials Data Library

  • Trusted Materials Data
  • Granta software-ready
  • Wide Spectrum of Data
  • Complete and Comparable
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Materials Data for Simulation

Accurate materials data. For accurate simulation.

  • Trusted data
  • Simulation-ready material models
  • Easy access
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World-leading resources for materials teaching.

  • Comprehensive Database of Materials and Processes
  • Powerful Visualization and Selection Tools
  • Introduce Sustainability in Engineering Design
  • Interactive Projects, Exercises and Lectures
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Granta Collaborations

Collaboration is at the heart of all we do, bringing people together to meet materials information challenges, enabling materials digital transformation across organizations.

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