Fluids Products

Ansys Fluent
CFD software known for its advanced physics modeling and renowned for industry leading accuracy.
- Modern user-friendly interface
- Single window workflow—pre to post-processing
- Streamlined meshing and physics workflows
- Advanced physics modeling
- Efficient meshing and solver HPC scaling

Ansys CFX
High performance CFD software recognized for outstanding accuracy, robustness and speed with turbomachinery applications.
- Streamlined turbo setups
- Blade design tool integration
- Multi-stage CFD modeling
- Transient blade row methods
- Harmonic balance methods

Ansys Chemkin-Pro
The gold standard for modeling complex chemically reacting systems. Extensively validated in a wide range of detailed chemistry applications.
- User-friendly interface
- Gas and surface reactions
- Table generators
- Laminar Flame simulations
- Reaction path analysis
- Uncertainty Analysis

Ansys Forte
Exceptionally reliable CFD software for internal combustion engines and positive displacement compressor design.
- Automatic mesh generation
- Adaptive mesh refinement
- Validated kinetics models
- Automated workflows
- Fast chemistry solver

Ansys EnSight
Visualize and analyze your data. General purpose post-processing software for a wide range of simulations including CFD, FEA, MBD, DEM and CAE.
- Wide variety of input format support
- Modern, easy to use GUI
- Multi-case comparison
- Efficient for large scale models
- Market leading animations
- Interactive feature set

Advanced CFD software for modeling icing and aerodynamic performance.
- Accurate ice accretion physics
- Aerodynamic penalty assessment
- Ice protection and system analysis
- Ice cracking and shedding for rotating systems
- Robust workflow for accurate 3D ice shapes

Ansys Model Fuel Library
Library of well-validated fuel-combustion mechanisms.
- Common core chemistry
- Consistent rules for reaction rates
- Validated fuel-blending behavior
- 60+ validated fuel components

Ansys Polyflow
Specialized CFD software for simulating rheological material in manufacturing processes.
- Extrusion
- Thermoforming
- Blow molding
- Glass forming
- Inverse die design process

Ansys TurboGrid
Ansys TurboGrid is software to automate the production of high-quality hexahedral mesh needed for blade passages in rotating machinery.
- Save time with hybrid meshing capabilities that simplify automation
- Create conformal mesh for blade tips to account for motion due to flutter

Ansys Vista TF
Ansys Vista TF is software for rapid and reliable aerodynamic and hydrodynamic blade row design. Quickly develop blade geometries that achieve your desired performance objectives.
- Solve simplified sets of equations on a 2D meridional surface
- Run equations in minutes or seconds

Ansys BladeModeler
Ansys BladeModeler software is a specialized, easy-to-use tool for the rapid 3D design of rotating machinery components.
- Complete 3D geometry modeling capabilities
- Allows geometric features like hub metal, blade fillets, and cut-offs and trims

Ansys Rocky
Rocky is uniquely capable to models real particle shapes including any solids, 2D shells, and rigid and flexible fibers. The simulations are fast and accurate.
- Multi- GPU Solver
- Scalable, efficient, large particle counts
- Realistic Particle Shapes including fibers
- Wear modeling, particle breakage, cohesion
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Radio Frequency (RF) Amplifier Thermal Analysis with AEDT Icepak

Fluent Conjugate Heat Transfer Coupling Applied to a Battery Module
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